From 2001 only
but you can see my earlier work from Online CV
2015 | (with Zhong, C., Manley, E., Stefan Muller Arisona, S., and Schmitt, G) Measuring Variability of Mobility Patterns from Multiday Smart-card Data, Journal of Computational Science, Full-text PDF size: 908 Kb |
Commentary: A Perspective on City Dashboards, Regional Studies, Regional Science, 2 (1), 29-32 Full-text PDF size: 109 Kb | |
2014 | (with Arcaute, E., Hatna, E., Ferguson, P., Youn, H., Johansson, A.) Constructing Cities, Deconstructing Scaling Laws, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 12: 20140745. Full-text PDF size: 1.4 Mb |
Commentary. Can It Happen Again? Planning Support, Lee’s Requiem and the Rise of the Smart Cities Movement, Environment and Planning B, 41, 388–391 Full-text PDF size:262 Kb | |
(with Hudson-Smith, A.) Visual Analytics for Urban Design, Urban Design, Issue 132, 38-41. Full-text PDF size: 1.3 Mb | |
(with Zhong, C., Huang, X., Arisona, S. M., and Schmitt, G.) Inferring Building Functions from a Probabilistic Model Using Public Transportation Data, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 48, 124–137, Full-text PDF size: 1.5 Mb | |
(with Zhong, C., Arisona, S. M., Huang, X., and Schmitt, G.) Detecting the Dynamics of Urban Structure through Spatial Network Analysis, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Full-text PDF size: 679 Kb | |
(with Morphet, R., Masucci, A. P., and Stanilov, K.) Entropy, complexity, and spatial information, Journal of Geographical Systems 16, 363–385, Full-text PDF size: 1.9 Mb | |
(with Masucci, A. P., and Stanilov, K.) Exploring the evolution of London’s street network in the information space: A dual approach, Physical Review E 89, 012805 (2014), Full-text PDF size: 614 Kb | |
(with O’Brien, O, and Cheshire, J.) Mining Bicycle Sharing Data for Generating Insights in Sustainable Transport Systems, Journal of Transport Geography 34, 262–273, Full-text PDF size: 1.1 Mb | |
2013 | (with Decraene, J., Monterola, C., Khoon, G. L. K, and Guang, T. H. G.) The Emergence of Urban Land Use Patterns Driven by Dispersion and Aggregation Mechanisms, PLoS ONE 8 (12): e80309. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080309, Full-text PDF size: 1.1 Mb |
(with Vargas, C., Smith, D., Serras, J., Reades, J., and Johansson, A.) SIMULACRA: Fast Land-Use–Transportation Models for the Rapid Assessment of Urban Futures, Environment and Planning B, 40, 987 – 1002, Full-text PDF size: 1.6 Mb | |
(with Masucci, A. P., Serras, J., and Johansson, A.) Gravity versus Radiation Models: On the Importance of Scale and Heterogeneity in Commuting Flows, Physical Review E 88, 022812, Full-text PDF size: 6.5 Mb | |
(with Masucci, A. P., and Stanilov, K.) Limited Urban Growth: London’s Street Network Dynamics from the 18th Century, PLoS ONE 8 8): e69469. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0069469, Full-text PDF size: 1.5 Mb | |
Big Data, Smart Cities, and City Planning, Dialogues in Human Geography, 3(3) 274–279 Full-text PDF size: 167 Kb | |
A Theory of City Size (Perspectives), Science, 340 no. 6139, 1418-1419, Full-text PDF size: 349 Kb | |
Visually-Driven Urban Simulation: Exploring Fast and Slow Change in Residential Location, Environment and Planning A, 45, 532 – 552, Full-text PDF size: 3.5 Mb | |
(with Mohajeri, N., French J. R.) Evolution And Entropy In The Organization Of Urban Street Patterns, Annals of GIS, 19, 1-16, Full-text PDF size: 3.2 Mb | |
2012 | (with Carbone, A., M. Ajmone-Marsan, M., K.W. Axhausen, K. W., Masera, M.,and Rome, E.) Complexity-Aided Design: The FuturICT Technological Innovation Paradigm, European Physical Journal Special Topics, 214, 435–459, Full-text PDF size: 452 Kb |
(with K. Axhausen, G. Fosca, A. Pozdnoukhov, A. Bazzani, M. Wachowicz, G. Ouzounis, and Y. Portugali) Smart Cities of the Future, European Physical Journal Special Topics, 214, 481–518, Full-text PDF size: 1.1 Mb | |
(with M. Cristelli, and L. Pietronero) There is More than a Power Law in Zipf, Scientific Reports, 6th November, 2012, at, Full-text PDF size: 883 Kb | |
(with C. Roth, S. M. Kang, and M. Barthelemy) A Long-Time Limit for World Subway Networks, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, published online 16 May 2012; doi: 10.1098/ rsif.2012.0259 Full-text PDF size: 248 Kb | |
Urban Regeneration as Self-Organisation, Architectural Design, 215, 54-59, not online as yet Full-text PDF size: 293 Kb | |
(with Johansson, A, Hayashi, K., Al Bar, O., Marcozzi, D., and Memish, Z. A.) Crowd and Environmental Management During Mass Gatherings, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, online preprint, doi:10.1016/S1473-3099(11) 70287 Full-text PDF size: 522 Kb | |
Building a Science of Cities. Current Research in Cities, online preprint, doi: /10.1016/j.cities.2011.11.008, Full-text PDF size: 344 Kb | |
2011 | (with Cao, K., Huang, B., Liu, Y., Yu, L., and Chen, J.) SpatialMulti-ObjectiveLandUse Optimization: Extensions to the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, online preprint, Full-text PDF size: 569 Kb |
(with Stanilov, K.) Exploring the Historical Determinants of Urban Growth Patterns through Cellular Automata, Transactions in GIS, 15(3), 253–271, Full-text PDF size: 277 Kb | |
Commentary: When all the World’s a City, Environment and Planning A 43(4) 765–772, Full-text PDF size: 481 Kb | |
(with Walsh, C. L., Dawson, R. J., Hall, J. W.,Barr, S. L.,Batty, M.,Bristow, A. L.,Carney, S., Dagoumas, A. S., Ford, A. C., Harpham, C., Tight, M. R., Watters, H., and Zanni, A. M.(2011) Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Cities, Urban Design and Planning (Proceedings ICE), 164, 2, 75–84, Full-text PDF size: 668 Kb | |
(with Roth C., Kang S. M., and Barthelemy, M., Structure of Urban Movements: Polycentric Activity and Entangled Hierarchical Flows. PLoS ONE 6(1): e15923. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015923, Full-text PDF size: 745 Kb | |
(with Bentley, R. A., and Ormerod, P.) Evolving Social Influence in Large Populations, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65, 537–546, Full-text PDF size: 314 Kb | |
2010 | (with Hudson-Smith, A., Milton, R. and Crooks, A.) Map Mashups, Web 2.0 and the GIS Revolution, Annals of GIS, 16(1), 1 – 13, Full-text PDF size: 212 Kb |
Visualising Space-Time Dynamics in Scaling Systems, Complexity, 16, 2, 51-63, Full-text PDF size: 557 Kb | |
Space, Scale, and Scaling in Entropy-Maximising, Geographical Analysis, 42, 4, 395–421, Full-text PDF size: 253 Kb | |
2009 | (with Marshall, S.) The Evolution of Cities: Geddes, Abercrombie and the New Physicalism, Town Planning Review, 80 (6), 551-574, Full-text PDF size: 67 Kb |
(with Hudson-Smith, A., Crooks, A., Gibin, M., and Milton, R.) NeoGeography and Web 2.0: Concepts, Tools and Applications, Journal of Location Based Services, 3, 118–145, Full-text PDF size: 67 Kb | |
(with Steadman, P., and Evans, S.) Wall Area, Volume and Plan Depth in the Building Stock, Building Research and Information, 37(5-6), 455–467. Full-text PDF size: 341 Kb | |
(with Masucci, A. P., Smith, D. and Crooks, A.) Random Planar Graphs and the London Street Network, The European Physical Journal B, 71, 259–271, Full-text PDF size: 656 Kb | |
(with Hudson-Smith, A., Crooks, A., and Milton, R.) Mapping for the Masses: Accessing Web 2.0 Through Crowdsourcing, Social Science Computer Review, 27, 4, 524-538, Full-text PDF size: 1074 Kb | |
A Digital Breeder for Generating Cities, Architectural Design, 79, 4, July-August, Profile No 200, 46-49, Full-text PDF size: 414 Kb | |
2008 | (with Rozenfeld, H. D., Rybski, D., Andrade, J. S., Stanley, H. E., and Makse, H. A.) Laws of Population Growth, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (48), 18702–18707, Full-text PDF size: 181 Kb |
(with A. Crooks and C. Castle) Key Challenges in Agent-Based Modelling for Geo-Spatial Simulation, Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 32 (6), 417-430, Full-text PDF size: 529 Kb | |
(with Collins, S. L., Suding, K. N., Cleland, E. E., Pennings, S. C., Gross, K.L., Grace, J. B., Gough, L. Fargione,J. E. and Clark, C. M.) Rank Clocks and Plant Community Dynamics, Ecology, 89(12), 3534–3541, Full-text PDF size: 421 Kb | |
(with Carvalho, R., Hudson-Smith, A., Milton, R., Duncan Smith, D., and Steadman, P.) Scaling and Allometry in the Building Geometries of Greater London, European Physical Journal B, 63, 303-318, Full-text PDF size: 921 Kb | |
The Size, Scale, and Shape of Cities, Science, 319, (5864, 8 February), 769 – 771, Full-text PDF size: 559 Kb | |
2007 | ModelCities, Town Planning Review,78 (2) 125-151, Full-text PDF size: 848 Kb |
(with Xie, Y. and Zhao, K.) Simulating Emergent Urban Form Using Agent-Based Modeling: Desakota in the Suzhou-Wuxian Region in China, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 97(3), 477–495, Full-text PDF size: 939 Kb | |
2006 | Rank Clocks, Nature, 444, 592-596, Full-text PDF size: 321 Kb |
(with Carvalho, R.) The Geography of Scientific Productivity: Scaling in US Computer Science, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 10, P10012, 1-11, Full-text PDF size: 963 Kb | |
2005 | (with Hudson-Smith, A.) Urban Simulacra: From Real to Virtual Cities, Back and Beyond, Architectural Design, 75 (6), 42-47, Full-text PDF size: 381 Kb |
(with de Almeida, C.M., Monteiro, A. M. V., Câmara, G., Soares-Filho, B, S., Cerqueira, G. C., and Pennachin, C. L.) GIS and Remote Sensing as Tools for The Simulation of Urban Land-Use Change, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26, ( 4 ), 759 – 774, Full-text PDF size: 436 Kb | |
Agents, Cells, and Cities: New Representational Models for Simulating Multiscale Urban Dynamics, Environment and Planning A, 37 (8), 1373 – 1394, Full-text PDF size: 696 Kb | |
(with Hudson-Smith, A., and Evans, S.) Building the Virtual City: Public Participation Through e-Democracy, Knowledge Technology and Policy, 18, 62-85, Web Link | |
(with Carvalho, R.) Encoding Geometric Information in Road Networks Extracted from Binary Images, Environment and Planning B, 32, 179-190, Full-text PDF size: 1191 Kb | |
(with Torrens, P. M.) Modelling and Prediction in a Complex World, Futures, 37 (7), 745-766, Full-text PDF size: 165 Kb | |
2004 | (with Besussi, E., Maat, K., and Harts, J. J.) Representing Multifunctional Cities: Density and Diversity in Space and Time, Built Environment, 30, (4). 324-337. Full-text PDF size: 800 Kb |
(with Rana, S) The Automatic Definition and Generation of Axial Lines and Axial Maps, Environment and Planning B, 31, 615-640. Full-text PDF size: 1210 Kb | |
(with Rana, S.) Visualising the Structure of Architectural Open Spaces based on Shape Analysis, International Journal of Architectural Computing, 2, 123-132. Full-text PDF size: 366 Kb | |
2003 | (with Desyllas, J., and Duxbury, E.) The Discrete Dynamics of Small-Scale Spatial Events: Agent-Based Models of Mobility in Carnivals and Street Parades, International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 17, 673-697. Full-text PDF size: 1104 Kb |
(with Desyllas, J., and Duxbury, E.) Safety in Numbers? Modelling Crowds and Designing Control for the Notting Hill Carnival, Urban Studies, 40, 1573-1590. Full-text PDF size: 848 Kb | |
(with de Almeida, Câmara1, G., Cerqueira, G. C., Monteiro, A. M. V., Pennachin, C. P., and Soares-Filho, B. S.) Stochastic Cellular Automata Modeling of Urban Land Use Dynamics: Empirical Development and Estimation, Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 27, 481-509. Full-text PDF size: 848 Kb | |
Opinion: Citation Geography: It’s About Location, The Scientist, 17 (16), August 25th, 1-4. Full-text PDF size: 848 Kb Web Link | |
Commentary: The Geography of Scientific Citation, Environment and Planning A, 35, 761- 765. Full-text PDF size: 848 Kb | |
2001 | Models in Planning: Technological Imperatives and Changing Roles, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and GeoInformation, 3, 252-266. Full-text PDF size: 848 Kb (This is a terrible scan, sorry) |