Chapter 5: Figures


Figure 5.1: Generating a Lognormal Distribution Using Proportionate Effect and Power Law Scaling from Proportionate Effect with a Minimum Size Threshold

Figure-5-2-left  Figure-5-2-middle Figure-5-2-right

Figure 5.2: Emergence of the Rank-Size Distribution Using Proportionate Effect with Cut-Off


Figure 5.3: Power Law Scaling as the Population Distribution Emerges

Figure-5-4-a Figure-5-4-bFigure 5.4: Lognormal and Power Law Scaling of the US Population Based on ‘Incorporated Places’ 1970 to 2000


Figure 5.5: The 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th Top Ranked Population Cells and Their Progress Through the Simulation


Figure 5.6: Consistent Scaling Behavior for Different Sizes of Lattice


Figure 5.7: Lognormal Distributions Generated from Proportionate Effect With Diffusion

Figure-5-8-top-left Figure-5-8-top-middle Figure-5-8-top-right Figure-5-8-bottom-left Figure-5-8-bottom-middle Figure-5-8-bottom-rightFigure 5.8: Patterns of Diffusion

Figure-5-9Figure 5.9: A Hierarchy for the Pattern at


Figure 5.10: Top Ranked Cells During the 10000 ‘Year’ Simulation


Figure 5.11: City Size Distributions for the Agglomeration Model at  and

Figure-5-12-a Figure-5-12-b Figure-5-12-c Figure-5-12-dFigure 5.12: Patterns of Network Connectivity

Figure-5-13Figure 5.13: Rank Size Distribution of the Nodal Network Distribution

Figure-5-14Figure 5.14: The Implicit Retail Hierarchy in Central London

Figure-5-15-a Figure-5-15-bFigure 5.15: The Explicit Population Hierarchy in Greater London

Figure-5-16-aFigure-5-16-bFigure 5.16: A Strict Hierarchy from a Tree-Like Graph of the London Tube System