Chapter 4: Figures

Figure-4-1-colorFigure 4.1: Exponential Change

Figure-4-2-a-colorFigure-4-2-b-colorFigure 4.2: Proportionate Growth

Figure-4-3-a-colorFigure-4-3-b-colorFigure 4.3: The Additive Exchange Model Generating the Boltzmann-Gibbs Distribution


Figure 4.4: A Multiplicative Exchange Model Generating a Power Law-Like Distribution


Fig-4-5-c-color  Fig-4-5-d-colorFigure 4.5: Visualizing Space-Time Dynamics in Terms of Rank Shift


Figure 4.6: Possible Trajectories Defining the Morphology of the Rank Clock

Figure-4-7-a-color  Figure-4-7-b-color  Figure-4-7-c-color  Figure-4-7-d-colorFigure 4.7: Rank Clocks for (a) the World, (b) the US, (c) Great Britain, and (d) Israel

Figure-4-8-a-color  Figure-4-8-b-colorFigure 4.8: (a) The Fortune 100 Rank Clock and (b) the Persistence-Decline of Firms by Rank 1955-1994

Fig-4-9-american-motors Fig-4-9-firestoneFig-4-9-bethlehem-steel Fig-4-9-ibm Fig-4-9-chrysler Fig-4-9-honeywellFigure 4.9: Individual Rank Trajectories for Selected Fortune 500 Firms 1955-1994

Figure-4-10-a-color  Figure-4-10-b-colorFigure 4.10: Rank Clocks of the Top 100 High Buildings in the New York City (a) and the World (b) from 1909 until 2010