A note on the rather counter-intuitive nature of the URL for this web site: www.complexCity.info. It is not a famous spelling error but if this site gets enough hits, it may well become so but this is an inevitable recursion. Because of its ambiguity, it won’t become so. Well, if you have written a book called Cities and Complexity, it is nice to get something close. But the play on words is suggestive of the fact that all the ity-s are like cities, collective social constructions. There are also not so many “complexCities” out there yet, but there are some and I will pay deference to them here. |
Lee Jang Sub is a Korean whose “ … project is an exploration to find a concealed aesthetic by using the pattern formed by the roads of the city which have been growing and evolving randomly through time, thus composing the complex configuration we experience today. I perceive the city’s patterns as living creatures that I recompose to form an urban image”. This imagery is produced as art, on wood, textile, paper. He says that his “ … ComplexCity collection will be introducing 10 famous metropolis which grew to become complex cities.
So far Paris, Rome,
and Seoul. Look at his art. |
John Simon is an American artist but an artist who works in code, many whose works need to be displayed on LCDs. I don’t think his ComplexCity 2000 exhibit is virtual however – it is material and inspired by Mondrian, and here it is. Other modern art like that of Paul Klee has inspired designs for cities and vice versa.
He has some other great icons of a science of cities however – see his Mobility Agents and his Chip City, both reproduced here with appropriate links. I am searching for more art that reflects complexity in cities. If you find any, post some info below.